What we do.
We offer a unique opportunity to participate in a planned and regularly monitored process that will enable your financial goals and objectives to be obtained.Whether you require ongoing income, or capital gain, business succession planning or risk monitoring, we make every effort to ensure your return is measured with the level of risk or security you, as a client, require.

We work hand in hand with some of the leading investment managers companies from around the world to secure the best available investment opportunities for you and can design an investment portfolio suited to your individual need.
Situations change and markets and fluctuate. For these reasons we will continually monitor and fine tune your investment portfolio to ensure that you receive the best investment opportunities, and most consistent returns within our guidelines.
We have access to the following investment types:
- Fixed Interest
- Mortgage Debentures
- Direct Shares
- Unit Trusts
- Managed Funds
- Futures
- Hedge Funds
- Capital Protected Funds

Security for ourselves and our families or our businesses can be lost without proper risk management. None of us like paying insurance premiums, myself included; it is, however, an essential tool in planning your financial life and protecting that really important asset, you!
I can assist in the following areas:
- Life Insurance
- Income Protection
- Health Insurance
- Trauma or Critical Care Insurance.
- Business Overheads
- Key Person
- Mortgage Protection

Everyone wants to retire with enough funds to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. It is probably the biggest investment many of us will make, apart from the purchase of a home.
In retirement, a couple will require an income between $30,000 – $80,000 dependent on requirements. National Super for both a couple or single; living either alone or in a shared living arrangement is modest.
Around nine out of every ten women aged 65 years or older received New Zealand Superannuation. Nearly half had no other source of income. In total, 40 percent of all New Zealander aged 65 years or older are solely reliant on the government. Clearly National Super will not be enough to provide more than the basics during retirement.
More statistics. Research conducted in Australia and New Zealand found that overall, women in Australia and New Zealand have mean wealth holdings that amount to only about 85 percent those of men. In addition, we can expect to live nearly 25 percent longer than men. If we transpose that expectation into requirements at retirement we need 25 percent more in assets, not two-thirds less.
Consider this: to receive an annual income of $20,000 for a period of 20 years while consuming all capital over that period you would require $250,000.
Whether you are saving to fund your entire retirement or simply saving to supplement income from other sources, the message is the same…the earlier you start, the easier it is.

Over the last three years Eugenie Cotter, a 47 year old sales manager has attended three seminars on investing, has read eight personal finance books and has had countless conversations with her husband Harry about what to do with their portfolio. And yet despite her newfound knowledge and concern the couples retirement savings are way out of whack. A full 90% of their money is with just two managers. So much for diversification.
Which brings us to one retirement lesson most of us need to learn and learn again. When it comes to saving for retirement its not so much what you know but rather what you do with what you know.
Retirement planning is an action sport. Your portfolio requires hands on, disciplined, and very regular maintenance to grow as its supposed to.
The problem is that most people are either paralysed by the sheer number of options available or too intimidated by the market to engage. A recent survey indicates that only one in six investors have made a change in their portfolio over the last year. The prevailing phenomenon is inertia. One solution is to have someone else to make the tough decisions for us.
But remember, as any stylist will tell you, no makeover is complete without a little maintenance – diversify and review.